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A girl needs to be pursued

Success story by , , Comments: 0, English
Updated: 05-14-2013 15:58+01:00
“....a boy distracts, so I tried to keep him on a string…”

One night when Daniel was in one of Funky Fish’s chat rooms, the public conversation was about men’s six packs and what girls think of them. Daniel didn’t mince matters: he’s got a six pack and he shared this freely. Milenne, who was in the chat room as well, responded to this positively and there was quite a nice first click when the conversation continued. They seemed to be a good match. But….a woman needs to be pursued.

Daniel is a member of Funky Fish for quite a while already. He enjoys the social aspect of the website. Sometimes conversations are about faith, sometimes about the daily things of life. To Milenne social connections are important as well. “People who know me will say that I’m always cheerful and that I talk a lot”, she says. She’s been a member of other dating sites as well, but she often missed substance. On Funky Fish she got to know people with whom she could have nice conversations, and because she talks a lot she’s built a nice circle of friends.

Flowers in a vase
So, Daniel and Milenne quite connected that night and ended up exchanging their Facebook and MSN information. Milenne wasn’t very keen about a starting a relationship though. She was in the middle of her school exams, which always stressed her out. Milenne: “A boy distracts, so I tried to keep him on a string...”

But... a woman needs to be pursued, Daniel believes. He knew Milenne loves flowers and that is why he had flowers delivered at her house. The biggest bouquet he could afford, including a vase so that he could send more flowers in the future. They started to chat and Skype and after three weeks it was about time to go on a first date. It was a little scary, because they both knew that they could only really get to know one another by meeting face to face. How does someone act in real life? Is the click you feel real? They were both curious as to the end. They went out for dinner and because the weather was bad they watched a movie afterwards. Soon another date followed: at Ascension Day they met at Daniel’s place. “We went on a couple of dates like that”, Daniel says and Milenne adds: “But since our second date we are a couple though!” The way they connected soon felt like a real match. They’re together for one and a half years now.

Matches and differences
Milenne and Daniel happen to have lots of similarities. They both have social jobs. Milenne works as a professional caregiver and Daniel is a special education teacher. “Taking care of others is part of both our hearts”, Daniel says. “We both go a second mile to make someone happy, which complements our personalities perfectly!”

But they also have their differences. Daniel is a very active guy. He loves mountain biking and is a real night owl. Milenne is more of a quiet person and prefers reading a book. Sometimes she has to tell Daniel to go because she has to get up early. “In the morning I happily say ‘good morning love!’ again. She then looks at me as if I’m crazy!”

In their relationship faith plays an important role. Both Daniel and Milenne believe that their relationship originates in God’s love. That is why they subscribed for Funky Fish at the time.

Ring size
Milenne and Daniel are a couple with their ups and downs, even though they haven’t gone through many downs yet. Of course Funky Fish and its members wonder about their future plan, but they don’t say a word about that. Daniel indistinctly asked Milenne’s ring size a while back though. He saved it in his phone, as the last digits of her phone number.

What they would like to encourage people with who haven’t found their true love yet? Daniel: “Take your plunge. It doesn’t harm to try. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not and don’t wait too long to meet up!”
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